Learn From Our Experience: ‘If you die without a will’ …

No matter how young you are or how little you own, McCleskey attorney Ben Davidson advises getting a will. Now. If you don’t think you need to, Davidson has a heartbreaking, frustrating story about a client from his hometown of Littlefield that will change your mind. A married couple, both teachers, had two children and …

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More people doing wills/estate planning due to COVID

This article is from WROC-TV ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Amid the health concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic many people have made the decision to put their financial wishes in writing. CPA Scott Adair from the New York State Society of CPAs discussed the trend and what you need to know about estate planning Thursday during News …

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EEOC answers key ‘vax’/workplace issue, but it’ll take time for others to be decided

USA Today headline: 178 health care workers suspended from Houston Methodist hospital system for refusing COVID-19 vaccination Wall Street Journal headline: Texas hospital system can require employees to get Covid-19 vaccine, judge rules … federal judge upheld Houston Methodist’s vaccine requirement and said lawsuit’s legal assertions lacked merit Houston Chronicle headline: 153 Houston Methodist workers fired, …

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Tommy Swann retires from McCleskey after 41 years

Tommy Swann has told the story many times. Shortly after joining the McCleskey Law Firm in 1979, bankruptcy laws changed. The late Harold Harriger told Tommy he’d be the firm’s bankruptcy lawyer, asking him to learn the changes. Tommy’s practiced law in many other areas in more than 40 years at the firm, but his …

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The four names behind the McCleskey Law Firm

For roughly the first half of its history, the McCleskey Law Firm’s name changed often – depending who led the firm.  In 1972 the name changed to McCleskey, Harriger, Brazill & Graf and even though three of those legendary Lubbock lawyers have passed on – the name has not changed since. “I have great respect …

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Will Griffis joins Shannon Hospital Community Board

McCleskey Attorney Will Griffis has joined the Shannon West Texas Memorial Hospital Community Board of Directors in San Angelo. Griffis is based in McCleskey’s San Angelo office, which opened a year ago after Griffis and his family returned to the area where he grew up. “It’s an honor for them to consider me to be …

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Our history goes back to 1928 …

A lot has changed since Hobert Nelson opened a law office in tiny Tahoka in 1928 – which eventually became Lubbock’s prestigious McCleskey Law Firm. Decades later, the firm is much bigger and the attorneys don’t always wear a suit and a tie. But some things have never changed. We’re a full-service legal practice committed …

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Welcome to our new website

Our new site is designed to quickly guide you to the right attorney to help you. On the home page we have six overall Areas of Practice and related Areas of Practice under each one of those. They are: Litigation & Personal Injury, where you’ll find: Business & Commercial Law, where you’ll find: Family Law, …

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