McCleskey at 95: The 1930s/Surviving Depression, Dust Bowl while making move to Lubbock
Welcome to the second in a series … this one about the firm’s history in the 1930s. Click here for the first part. In the photo above, one of the earliest offices of what became the McCleskey Law Firm was in the building to the left of the J.C. Penney Building in downtown Lubbock. This

‘It’s a wonderful honor, but it’s more interesting because of that personal connection our families had from the 1950s’
Jerry Kolander becomes third McCleskey attorney given Lubbock Bar Association’s Denton Award … named for Supreme Court justice who was father of Kolander’s pal when they were growing up in Amarillo When Jerry Kolander was growing up in Amarillo, he had a friend named Tommy Denton. They played sports together through junior high and at

McCleskey at 95: Law firm born in Tahoka by man with humble beginnings
Welcome to the first of a series about the firm’s history. We begin with our founder’s humble beginnings. When Hobert Nelson opened his Tahoka law office on May 25, 1928, he started what became the McCleskey Law Firm, which today celebrates 95 years of serving Lubbock, West Texas and beyond. Hobert’s family arrived in East

McCleskey law clerk’s famous name has firm’s attorneys recalling inspirational film
When the McCleskey Law Firm hired Texas Tech School of Law student Scout Blosser as a law clerk this spring semester, more than a couple of the firm’s attorneys were curious about her first name. Was it connected to the main character’s daughter in the book and movie “To Kill a Mockingbird,” which inspired not

Learn From Our Experience: A will isn’t all you need … what you need to know about probate
Probate is the legal process of inheritance. It’s also a word that strikes fear in people – coming on the heels of someone’s death, it can take time, money and be emotionally challenging. Here’s what you need to know – from two of our experts – on how to possibly avoid probate and what to

McCleskey’s litigation team has extensive experience when it’s time to go to court
This is a companion piece to our recent 95th anniversary story on how McCleskey built its litigation practice. Building on its impressive history of litigation, Ben Davidson and Ann Stegall are the McCleskey Law Firm’s full-time litigators now, both members of the prestigious American Board Of Trial Attorneys. Other McCleskey attorneys who do some litigation